Tricks, Treats, and a Happy Halloween for Foster Kids
October 6, 2023
5 Tips to Head Off Sensory Overload During The Holiday Season
December 5, 2023Maybe you can’t change the whole world, but you can change the whole world of a child. And while brightly wrapped gifts can bring so much joy, there is no better gift to give a child than a family. As such, here are the three things children in foster care really need this holiday season.
Foster Parents
Camelot Care Centers strives to serve youth in foster care in hopes of reunification back to family or to find them their “forever homes” through guardianship or facilitating adoption.
We are a Child Welfare Agency licensed by the State of Illinois, offering a broad range of youth and family services since 1972. And your help is desperately needed.
Foster families willing and able to accommodate sibling groups are in high demand, as are those who are able to take older children and teens. Our most successful foster parents are open-minded, dependable, patient and willing to try different parenting styles for children with different needs. Having a flexible schedule, being tolerant, and demonstrating the ability to work as a member of our team are all important qualities for success.
Youth in foster care are diverse in background and experience, and at Camelot, compassion and inclusion are two of our many values. According to 2023 data from childwelfare.gov, “There are over 391,000 children and youth in foster care. Mental and behavioral health is the largest unmet health need for these children and teens.” They also note that, “Investing in culturally appropriate mental health supports that recognize an individual’s identity, culture, and lived experience may improve the effectiveness of services and supports and improve long-term outcomes for children and youth.”
We believe all children, no matter their history or diagnosis, can achieve individual successes. That is why we specialize in higher level foster care for children and adolescents that may need extra support. We partner with our foster parents/homes to provide trauma-informed care and additional services, including in-home counseling, tele-psychiatry and therapeutic mentoring. Our training and support to foster parents is valuable when helping a child who has known pain and upheaval, and our clinical and treatment philosophy is child-specific and tailored to the needs and diagnosis of each individual.
Consider giving the gift of love, family, support, and a stable home to children and teens in foster care this holiday season. If you live in the state of Illinois and feel the call to become a foster parent, click on the following link to get started: https://family.binti.com/users/signup/camelot-il-initial.
Every child needs and deserves to grow up safe and protected from abuse and neglect, and caring foster parents offer children support and stability when they need it most. At Camelot Care Centers, we specialize in higher-level foster care for children and adolescents that need extra support. We partner with our foster parents/homes to provide trauma informed care and additional services, including in-home counseling, parent support and training, tele-psychiatry, and therapeutic mentoring, to maintain children at the least restrictive, yet most appropriate level of care.Camelot Care Centers (“Camelot”) is a Child Welfare Agency.