About Us
Camelot Care Centers, LLC.
Improving the lives of children, families and communities.
Camelot Care Centers strives to serve youth in foster care in hopes of reunification back to family or to find them their “forever homes” through guardianship or facilitating adoption. Our comprehensive service line includes case management, foster parent support and training, in home counseling, therapeutic mentoring and access to tele psychiatry to help create healthy environments of care.
Camelot Care Centers have offered a broad range of youth and family services since 1972. All services provided are designed to maintain children at the least restrictive, yet most appropriate level of care and to support youth in care of Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) in foster homes.
Camelot Care Centers (“Camelot”) is a Child Welfare Agency licensed by the State of Illinois, a member of the Illinois Collaboration on Youth (ICOY), and is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA).
Improving the lives of people by inspiring personal growth, health, and wellness.
To be the preferred provider, employer, and community partner positively transforming lives nationwide.
- Compassion - We listen to all perspectives without judgment and stand stronger together.
- Inclusion - We value a culture that is inclusive of all perspectives and promotes diversity at all levels.
- Integrity - We set high standards for ourselves and the services we provide by promoting ethical and honest conduct every step we take.
- Commitment - We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality services in an open, ethical, inclusive and positive environment.
- Accountable - We take responsibility for our actions and outcomes.
- Person-Driven - We join the people we serve on their personal journey and partner with them as they plan each step along the way.
- Collaborative - We work as a team to accomplish common goals by welcoming each individual’s unique perspective and expertise.
Clinical/Treatment Philosophy
Camelot Care Centers employs a comprehensive, team-approach to its clinical care and treatment philosophy. Camelot’s clinical and treatment philosophy is child-specific and tailored to the needs and diagnosis of the individual child. The team approach is the foundation of clinical care for our foster youth. Camelot believes it is the combined efforts of the clinician, caseworker and foster parents along with the entire treatment team at Camelot that ultimately leads to a child’s success and improved mental health.
Camelot utilizes in-depth mental health evaluations and, when necessary, psychiatric care to formulate comprehensive treatment plans for all youth in need of clinical care and treatment. Camelot staff utilizes the comfort, security and convenience of the home environment for clinical treatment. Foster parents are informed and included in every step of the process and are a necessary component for success in treatment. Camelot believes all children, no matter their history or diagnosis can achieve individual successes.
Our Team
Illinois State Administration
Ronica Patel
State Executive Director
Emily LeFew
Director of Strategy and Clinical Excellence
Gina Huff
Director of Operations
Kelley Lumpkin
State Licensing Director
Regional Leadership
LaRita Anthony
Matteson and Itasca Office
Brooke Gems
Grayslake Office
Kala Davis
Rockford Office
Elizabeth Lerch
Springfield and Peoria Office