The Top 5 Traits Of A Good Foster Parent

How To Become A Foster Parent In The State Of Illinois
July 11, 2018
How To Help Your Foster Child Feel At Home
July 23, 2018
How To Become A Foster Parent In The State Of Illinois
July 11, 2018
How To Help Your Foster Child Feel At Home
July 23, 2018

Choosing to foster a child is a selfless act that changes your life forever. Inviting a new child into your home may lead to jealousy issues for children who already live there. It could mean daily arguments with an unruly teenager who wants to push boundaries, or sleepless nights soothing a crying baby. On the flip side, it could also mean a loving, meaningful connection between you and a child in need, and the chance to do something meaningful. While there is much good to gain from fostering, it isn’t for everyone. Read on to learn the top 5 traits of a good foster parent, to see if you have what it takes.


While you may not have experienced the same trauma your foster child has experienced, you can show empathy through kindness and understanding. When a child decides to open up to you, reward them for their bravery. Simply telling them that you are always there to listen shows that you care.


Foster parents must be flexible and adaptable to change. You may end up with a child who needs a bigger bed than the one you had planned for, or a child who would rather spend free time alone in his room rather than doing the fun activities you had scheduled. Your foster child might even have special needs that require appointments with a doctor or therapist. Therefore, flexibility is a must when fostering.


Stability in your current personal and family life is vital. A foster child may have already experienced the turmoil of unstable homes. While no home is perfect, it’s good to step back and look at your own family before committing to becoming a foster parent. Showing that families can get along and have predictable schedules is key to helping a foster child find stability.


Communicating effectively with your foster child ensures that their needs are met. Taking the time to “check in” on them to make sure they feel safe and understood is important. If the child is doing something that bothers you, you must be able to talk to them about it in a calm and collected manner. It is also important to establish an open-door policy when it comes to venting concerns of their own. Fostering is a great opportunity for you to teach proper communication skills to a child who may not have learned any.

Loving Environment

Parenting in general is never easy. While the above traits are important, none of it matters without love. Having a love for children is key. Wanting to provide a loving space where you can help raise and mentor a child is vital. Love allows trust to build which ultimately changes lives for the better.

Making the choice to foster should not be taken lightly. If you possess the above traits and feel that fostering is a good fit for you, then don’t be afraid to give it a chance. There are always children out there who could benefit from a person like you in their lives.

Every child needs and deserves to grow up safe and protected from abuse and neglect, and caring foster parents offer children support and stability when they need it most. At Camelot Care Centers, we specialize in higher-level foster care for children and adolescents that need extra support. We partner with our foster parents/homes to provide trauma informed care and additional services, including in-home counseling, parent support and training, tele-psychiatry, and therapeutic mentoring, to maintain children at the least restrictive, yet most appropriate level of care. Camelot Care Centers (“Camelot”) is a Child Welfare Agency licensed by the State of Illinois, a member of the Illinois Collaboration on Youth (ICOY), and is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA).