How To Help A Foster Child Transition Back To School – Foster Care & Become A Foster Parent – Illinois

How To Help A Foster Child Transition Back To School

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Beautiful Latin high school student enjoying class and smiling

While going back to school means going back to a strict routine, it also means a chance for a fresh start. Whether your foster child struggled last school year, is anxious about returning, or simply loved school, there are a few things you can do to help smooth the transition back. Read on to learn what you can do to help your foster children have their best school year yet!

Mentally Prepare Them

As the new school date approaches, remind your foster child how many days are left of summer. Talk to them about opportunities available to them, such as different elective classes to take or after-school sports to join.  Explain that getting involved at school can help them when it comes time to apply for college. Plan for them to participate in after-school activities, but don’t over-book their schedule either; remember their school work should still be the priority.

Give Them Choices

Invite your foster child to go school shopping with you. Let them know the budget for certain items, such as a backpack or school clothing, then let them pick out what they want. Allowing your foster child to exercise independence helps them feel included and excited about the fresh start.

Teach Them The Routine

Show your foster child how to make simple breakfast items like preparing a bowl of cereal for breakfast. If you foster a teenager, they can make their own scrambled eggs or other small meals. Show them where they can find lunch choices and teach them how to build their own lunch. Consider keeping a bin in the fridge with multiple snack options, such as yogurt or applesauce, so your foster child can help make their own lunch the evening before. Also remind them to pick out their outfits and pack up their homework the evening before, so that the morning routine can go as smooth as possible.

Revive Their Old Sleep Schedule

Most kids tend to stray off their sleep schedule during the summer months. This is especially true of teenagers, as their bodies biologically want them to stay up later and sleep in. Start sending your foster child to bed earlier at least a week before school starts. There may be a few “off” days while their bodies adjust back to the routine. Starting that routine in advance will ensure they are properly rested for that first day back.

Set Clear Boundaries

Set clear boundaries and expectations by writing out a schedule for your foster child. Be sure to post it on the refrigerator or a wall in a central location. Remind them of consequences for not following through, such as losing video game or cell phone privileges.

While going back to school brings many challenges, there are several things you can do to ease the transition. Excite your foster child with new back-to-school supplies and clothing, set a daily routine, get their sleep schedule back on track, and teach them consequences for their actions when they don’t follow through. With a few simple steps, you can help set your foster child off to a great school year.


Every child needs and deserves to grow up safe and protected from abuse and neglect, and caring foster parents offer children support and stability when they need it most. At Camelot Care Centers, we specialize in higher-level foster care for children and adolescents that need extra support. We partner with our foster parents/homes to provide trauma informed care and additional services, including in-home counseling, parent support and training, tele-psychiatry, and therapeutic mentoring, to maintain children at the least restrictive, yet most appropriate level of care. Camelot Care Centers (“Camelot”) is a Child Welfare Agency licensed by the State of Illinois, a member of the Illinois Collaboration on Youth (ICOY), and is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA).